Linking The Learning - 4 Book Series
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Busy junior school teachers are constantly faced with the dilemma of how to effectively cover the whole curriculum term by term. The most efficient way to do this is through Integrated Planning. With this in place, there is no need to go trawl through a huge range of secondary sources and curriculum documents for ideas - the planning is all there for you.
Linking the Learning: Me and My World takes this Integrated Planning approach with 8 units based around high-interest topics for juniors from the world around us, including: The Solar System, Dinosaurs, Night And Day, Rainbows, Road Safety, The Family, Healthy Eating, School Rules. Each unit has an integrated plan with suggested links to other curriculum areas, teaching and learning activities, learning intention, success criteria and pre- and post-test assessment checklists. Learning options include literacy activities, maths, social sciences, research tasks, art and craft, social studies, and more.
The Living World: The Living World takes this Integrated Planning approach with 8 Units based around fascinating topics from the Living World including The Farm in Spring, Spiders, Frogs, Worms, Bees, The Zoo, Birds and Sea Creatures. Each unit has a plan with suggested integrated links to other curriculum areas, teaching and learning activities, learning intention, success criteria and pre- and post-test assessment checklists.
The Physical World: The Physical World takes this Integrated Planning approach with 8 Units based around fascinating topics from the Physical World including Forces, Flight, Floating and Sinking, Wind, Wheels, Electricity, Magnets and Sound.
Each unit has a plan with suggested integrated links to other curriculum areas, teaching and learning activities, learning intention, success criteria and pre- and post-test assessment checklists.
Traditional Stories: Traditional Stories takes this Integrated Planning approach with 8 Units based around some of the favourite Traditional Stories including The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Little Red Hen, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and Jack and the Beanstalk. Each unit has a plan with suggested integrated links to other curriculum areas, teaching and learning activities, learning intention, success criteria and pre- and post-test assessment checklists.
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Additional information
- UFR Code 716
- Number of Pages See titles in the series
- Format Printed Book, PDF, PDF & Printed Book Combo
- Author Annette Meyer
- ISBN See titles in the series
- Year Published 2013, 2011
- Age Age 5 – 7, Age 7 – 10
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