The power of planning and preparation
“An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing”
Dale Carnegie
We all know that planning and preparation are key components to success. When we plan ahead, things run more smoothly, potential challenges (and solutions) are identified before they happen, and ultimately, we save time and reduce stress.
But what about when planning feels like just another thing on the to do list? A chore that feels more like a hinderance, than a help.
As teachers, this is a feeling many of you will know all too well, especially now, when the demands of your role are more intense than ever.
Planning tools, like our Kiwi Teaching Planner, are a great way to reduce the stress, and chore, of planning. The ready made templates, teaching tips, reflection activities, and more, help you to focus and get the most out of the time you allocate to lesson and yearly planning.
There are also benefits to planning beyond saving time and overcoming potential challenges. Below are three ways planning (and using a tool like our planner) can benefit you, and your students.
Planning allows you time to ‘think’ while teaching
Planning ensures that your lessons run to time, all the materials you need are on hand, and that students are clearly guided on what they need to do. All this helps to free up moments throughout the day for you to stop and think. You can assess how the lesson is going, how students are coping, and whether any tweaks need to be made.
Planning ensures that your lessons are worthwhile for your students
A well planned lesson is engaging, deliberate, and covers what it needs to in the curriculum. It also helps to reduce your stress as a teacher. When these boxes are ticked, it means that the time your students spend in the classroom is moreworthwhile, which is ultimately what education is about. After all, a teachers role is to help students learn, and planning means thinking about what students want, and need, to learn.
Planning leads to new and creative lesson plans
Planning often means more time for creativity. It’s easy to fall into the trap of repeating the same activities, time and time again, when you know they work. While this isn’t a bad thing neccesarily, planning can open doors to new activities and teaching methods that are just as effective, and perhaps even more so, than what you usually do. Setting time aside to explore these ides is beneficial to both your students, and you as a teacher.
So why not make a headstart on your lesson planning for 2022, with our Kiwi Teaching Planner today.